Delighted to Assist with Electrician, Plumbing, Flooring Needs!

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For Your Home




Company Details :
  • Address : 45 Dunfield ave
  • City :Toronto
  • Services :Electrician,

About us :

Hello everyone, I work as a general worker, if you need a responsible worker, a professional in his field, then I am at your service and will be glad to help you with such tasks: plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, tiling or general services. I have been building houses for more than 10 years. Write messages in private messages, I will be glad to answer.

Portfolio :

Handyman service1

plumber, electrician, carpenter, handyman, mason, painter, furniture assembly

Before Image of project
Plumbering 2

replacing a water pipe in a boiler

Before Image of project
Painter. 3

Painting the garage doors

Before Image of project
Electricity 4

replacement of ceiling lights

Before Image of project

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